Extended Hours at Park Visitor Centers

Starting on Friday, August 9, all three of Joshua Tree National Park’s Visitor Centers will have extended hours and will stay open until 10:00 p.m. to assist park visitors and provide information about the Perseid meteor shower.


Road Closures

Starting on the afternoon of Friday, August 9 through to Tuesday, August 13, the following roads in Joshua Tree National Park will be closed: Lost Horse Mine Rd., Bighorn Complex Road System including Queen Valley Rd. and Bighorn Pass, Geology Tour Rd., Stirrup Tank Rd., Keys Ranch Rd., Split Rock, and Live Oak Picnic Area. For more information and a map of closures, visit the National Park’s website.


Fire Ban in Effect

A full fire ban is in effect until October 1, 2024. All campfires and grill fires are prohibited. Smoking is not allowed within 10 feet of vegetation. Fireworks, explosives, and any other incendiary devices are always prohibited on public lands.


Traffic & Parking: What to Expect

Joshua Tree National Park is anticipating a traffic surge due to the 2024 Perseids meteor shower. Local communities, businesses, and visitors should expect increased traffic to the park from August 10 to August 12, 2024. 

Many people visit Joshua Tree National Park due to its proximity to large cities, so expect delays that can take up to several hours on major roadways and park roads during astrological events. From sunset to 2 a.m., expect continuous traffic on major park roads.

Bright headlights may impact the quality of your night sky viewing if you're stuck in traffic, so it is best to arrive to your stargazing destination before sunset. Parking is also limited within the park and often fills up before sunset during the Perseids meteor shower so arriving early will help you get a spot! Only park in designated parking areas within the park, as parking on vegetation or driving over curbs is subject to citation.

Buying entrance passes ahead of time on Recreation.gov can minimize delays entering the park. While visiting the park during these events, please respect the local communities and the park. Pack out all your trash, and keep artificial light and sound use to a minimum. Open fires are not permitted anywhere in the park. Cell service is unreliable, and there is no food or water available to purchase inside the park. Consider downloading the park app to use offline while visiting.  


Leave No Trace: Protecting the Park

When you visit Joshua Tree National Park or other state or federally protected land, make sure to leave no trace. Please pack in and out all of your trash, especially if trash cans in the park are full. Do not smoke near vegetation and dispose of cigarette butts in a waste bin. Charcoal and wood fires are not permitted during dry season from June 15 to October 1. Be respectful of other people and wildlife and avoid using bright lights and playing loud music so both animals and visitors can enjoy the night sky in peace.